If you’ve never heard about electronic paper, crawl out from under that rock and read up on the Sony reader and the Amazon Kindle. E-paper is a flexible display made of color-changing beads that simulate ink-on-paper for easy daylight reading. The revolutionary thing about e-paper is that after it’s set, it stays that way without additional power.
This sounds great in theory, but Esquire’s cover is the first time everybody can afford to hack an e-paper display. We took the cover into the Hack a Day lab to document, test, and hack. In the end, we recycled it into something beneficial that any individual can build. We’ve got all the details on how the display works and what it takes to use it in your own projects. read about our e-paper clock hack below.
The Esquire e-paper cover hit big on the net, but was swiftly panned. NOTCOT has beautiful scans of the circuit board and e-paper. popular science posted instructions for reading the code with a PICkit2. [Slaxter] verified that the photo chip can be read, and that the code protection fuses are off. [Matt] manipulated the e-paper cells directly with skillful soldering and an Arduino. So far, there hasn’t been a lot of interest in repurposing the e-paper, or reprogramming the existing microcontroller.
E-paper panels
The actual e-paper panels, manufactured by E-Ink, aren’t that exciting. Each panel has a set of predefined segments, 11 on the front panel and 3 on the rear Ford advertisement. This isn’t a matrix that we can reprogram into an e-reader. [just_mike] has a great set of ultra close-up shots of the individual beads that make up each segment.
Each e-paper segment has an individual connection, and a connection that’s shared with other cells on the panel. The segments become white or black depending on the direction of current applied to the cell. When common is low, any segment that is also connected high will darken. When common is high, each cell connected to ground will clear. The PCB uses 16 volts from five 3.3volt batteries to switch the cells, but [Slaxter] showed that 5volts was sufficient with his Arduino project.
Test de performanta
We made several observations about the e-paper operating specifications.
First, it takes nearly 0.5 seconds to completely darken or clear a cell. In the video you can see the partial states created by switching the e-paper too fast. We’re not quite sure of the optimal change time, but between 0.25 and 0.5 seconds seems to be the minimum.
This also raised questions about the maximum change time. Does it damage the e-paper to apply current for longer than necessary? Does the e-paper continue to consume current as long as it’s applied, wasting the batteries? We took special care in our code to return all outputs to ground after a change to avoid a continuous current through the panel.
Clearing and darkening need to be done separately. It takes two complete operations to fully freshen the screen; one to clear old segments, one to darken new segments. A smart programmer will think they can save a cycle when only adding or removing items, and not doing both. This is true to some extent, but continuous manipulation of one cell without refreshing adjacent cells causes color ‘creep’. In the video, a flashing background without updates to any other segments swiftly drives the inactive segments to a mid-state between dark and light.
Driver board
The motorist consists of an eight-pin Microchip PIC12F629, two 4094 shift registers, and some supporting components.
Click here for a full size pin diagram of the e-paper motorist board(PNG).
Esquire invited hacks of their cover with the rather lame suggestion of replacing the batteries. This makes sense, the covers were shipped all over the world in refrigerated containers to help extend the battery life. even with that effort, Esquire says that the batteries will last a few months.
Batteries 1-5 are in series and supply a 15-16volt switching current for the e-paper. The sixth battery supplies 3volts for the PIC. No word yet on which batteries die first. If you want to ‘replace’ your batteries, you’ll need to desolder the old ones, and supply a 5-16volt e-paper supply, and 3volt microcontroller supply, at the points indicated.
We eventually had to replace our microcontroller battery because we abused it a bit during development. A button battery holder with 20mm pin spacing will fit the existing holes. Mouser #534-106 will probably work, but this is unconfirmed.
4094 shift registers (IC1, IC2)
The shift registers switch the e-paper segment controls at 16 volts.
The two 4094 ICs are shift registers setup to cascade data from IC1 to IC2. This basic shift register is a minor variation on the 74HTC595 we used in our graffiti wall. The main difference is that the 4094 strobe line is usually low, and briefly pulled high to put new values on the output pins. We observed that the 4094 requires long clock and strobe pulses. This could be due to lazy drive circuitry between the photo and the 4094, or just the nature of the 4000 series.
4094 segment output map
Click here for a full size schematic drawing(PNG). An eight pin PIC12F629 drives the 4094 shift registers that control each e-paper segment. two pins are unused (GP4, GP5).
The MCLR feature is enabled with resistor R8. The design doesn’t include a diode to secure the photo from the 13volt programming current. Microchip recommends this, but there’s no other sensitive ICs sharing the circuit so maybe the designer felt a resistor was sufficient protection.
Three pins drive the data, clock, and strobe lines of the 4094 (GP0, GP1, GP2). The 4094 has to be interfaced at the same voltage it switches, 16 volts, so the photo switches the interface pins through transistors. As far as we can tell, the 4094 control lines are pulled high with a resistor. The photo switches a transistor on, and it pulls the line to ground. The interface to the 4094 is backwards. A photo high pin is seen as low at the shift register, and low is seen as high. The interface won’t work unless reversed.
The programming pins are brought to a header at the top of the PCB. We soldered standard .1″ pin header into the holes supplied (Mouser #571-41033290). The two programming pins, PGD and PGC, are shared with the circuitry that drives the shift registers. We were able to read the device with an ICD2 debugger. We couldn’t reprogram it though, probably because of the shift register driver. has any individual had success? Regardless, the shared pin arrangement makes it impossible to do in-circuit debugging on this device.
PIC pin connections
MCLR (program VPP)
4094 Strobe
4094 Clock (program clock)
4094 data (program data)
Tap the board
It’s easy to tap into the board and use it with your favorite microcontroller. All but one of the required interface signals are already brought to a header. The strobe line can be tapped through the by means of indicated by the arrow. You don’t want the photo to interfere with your new controller, so remove it or deactivate it by severing the power pin.
Interface library
Our first effort to drive the board involved our PIC24F-based tiny web server. It was handy, and the PIC24F is easy to work with. We perfected our interface library on a low-power MSP430. Both versions are in the project archive(ZIP), but the MSP430 version of the library is a lot more mature.
The library includes a software bit-bang routine, functions for interfacing the board, and address definitions for the segment and common lines. options in esquire_eink.h enable a bit-bang delay and set its length; we found the 4094 lazy and in need of a lengthy clock pulse. The initBang() function sets the direction of the pins, and must be changed to suit your microcontroller. call it, or set your IO pins to output elsewhere:
bangInit(); //set bitbang pins to output
The setSeg() function sets the passed segments dark (1) or clear (0):
setSeg(FRONT_BOX_GUY+FRONT_BACKGROUND, 1); //set(dark) these segments
setSeg(FRONT_21ST_CENTURY,0);//clear (light) these segments
The setSeg() function includes a color change delay defined by EINK_DELAY in esquire_eink.h. At the end of the delay it returns the shift register pins to ground. We want to avoid damaging to the e-paper or wasting the batteries, though we don’t really know if this is necessary.
One thing we observed about setSeg() was that manipulating single cells causes adjacent cells to regress toward a mid-color. We developed the setDisplay() function to combat this by fully refreshing the display every time. setDisplay() includes a pause for each change, and then returns the shift register outputs to ground. just pass the segment arrangement for a fully refreshed display:
setDisplay(FRONT_ESQUIRE+BACK_LEFT);//XX dark, everything else clear
You can access the shift registers directly with the bangIt() function, but consider returning the shift registers outputs to ‘0’ after the e-paper color change is complete. You could damage the e-paper or cause excessive current drain if you leave it on, if that’s actually ‘a thing’.
bangIt(0b1110000000000000);//all back panel segments on
pause();//wait for the color change
bangIt(0x0000);//return all outputs to ground
To port the library to your miCROCONTROLLER, verificați dacă configurațiile PIN din Esquire_eink.h și funcția de configurare a PIN Banginit () în esquire_eink.c. Rețineți că instrucțiunile PIN sunt inversate de către tranzistorii de interfață.
Punerea la utilizare, un ceas de hârtie electronică
Am vrut să facem ceva benefic cu primul panou ieftin de hârtie E-hârtie. A trebuit să fie ceva destul de ușor, astfel încât o mulțime de oameni să poată recicla această tehnologie rece. Nu am putut rezista la a face ceea ce face multe lucruri cu vechea tehnologie de afișare: faceți un ceas. Schemele, firmware-ul și șabloanele de artă se află în arhiva proiectului (.zip).
Există atât de puține segmente pe e-hârtie pe care le putem reprezenta doar parțial timpul. Șase segmente arată timpul, fiecare se estompează pentru a dezvălui timpul până la cel mai apropiat zece minute după ora. De asemenea, clarificăm bomboanele cu privire la segmentele non-time ale panoului. Iată Bezelul personalizat pe care l-am creat. Această rasă și o temă care vă fac propria dvs., sunt incluse în arhiva proiectului (ZIP). Am tipărit cavalerul nostru oglindit, astfel încât cerneala este protejată de zgârieturi.
Am fost inspirați de proprietățile cu putere redusă a hârtiei electronice pentru a utiliza linia MSP430 de instrumente Texas de microcontrolere de 16 biți. Cu configurația ideală, MSP430 atrage atât de puțină putere încât este limitat doar de durata de valabilitate a unei baterii. Putem chiar să oferim designerilor originali o alergare pentru banii lor și să vedem dacă putem face un dispozitiv de alimentare mai mic.
Cel mai bun lucru despre MSP430 este că puteți obține un kit cu un programator USB / debugger și breakout pentru doar 20 de dolari. Acesta vine cu un compilator C complimentar limitat la 4k, dar F2013 are doar 2k de memorie. Acesta este un instrument complet de dezvoltare, fără lipire implicată. Aflați mult mai multe despre lucrul cu MSP430 în acest lucru.
Această schemă arată modul în care am conectat MSP430 la bordul motorului electronic. Faceți clic aici pentru o versiune de dimensiune completă (PNG). Rezistorul de 47k, MSP430 și un LED (nereprezentat) sunt incluse pe placa de breakout.
Am adăugat un cristal de 32,768 khz pentru a păstra timpul (Q1). În mod normal, am adăuga și unii condensatori pentru a forma un oscilator, dar MSP430 are condensatoare reglabile încorporate pe p2.6 și p2.7.
De asemenea, am adăugat un buton între P1.4 și P1.2 (S1). Rezistorul intern de tragere pe p1.4 ține butonul ridicat și l-am înșelat prin P1.2. Acesta nu este cel mai bun aranjament, probabil că ar fi înțelept să conectați și P1.2 la sol.
Am alunecat placa de breakout MSP430 peste puterea și pinii de masă ai antetului de programare. Puteți conecta și știfturile de ceas și de date la antet, dar am luat o decizie de a le trimite toate de la Vias dedesubt. Nu uitați să eliminați fotografia, astfel încât să nu interfereze cu semnalele de la MSP430.
Esquire e-hârtie acoperă
Kit de dezvoltare MSP430 EZ430 EZ430
$ 20.
32.768KHZ Crystal.
$ 0.27.
Apasa butonul
$ 0.16.
Software-ul de ceas este scris cu versiunea demo gratuită a compilatorului Ti / IAR Kickstart C inclus în programatorul EZ430.
MSP430 este o putere foarte scăzută. Utilizează doar 220ua la 1MHz, dar mai puțin de 6 ou când dorm. Viața crucială pentru bateria lungă este de a păstra cipul adormit cât mai mult posibil. Codul nostru de ceas este scris cu acest lucru în minte.
Utilizăm timer_a cu cristalul de 32,768 khz pentru a crea o întrerupere de două ori pe fiecare secundă. Primul cod de declanșare a declanșatorului care configurează segmentele care urmează să fie afișate, trimite aceste valori pe hârtie electronică și apoi doarme pentru următoarele 0,5 secunde. În timp ce MSP430 se culcă, toate segmentele “off” au timp pentru a șterge. Următoarea întrerupere revine liniilor comune, invers, cu un Xor de bază, emite valorile și merge la culcare pentru încă 0,5 secunde. Data viitoare când ciclul va începe din nou. Nu ne deranjăm să resetăm registrele de schimbare în poziția “0”, deoarece freshenul este în mod regulat în flux. Segmentul Creep nu este o problemă deoarece fochim fiecare segment fiecare ciclu.
Un buton Apăsați declanșează o întrerupere care avansează timpul în următoarele 10 minute. Pentru a seta ceasul, așteptați până când timpul este un aspect de 10 minute după ora și apăsați butonul pentru a arăta corespunzător